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God... my Husband

Base price with tax 175 kr
Sales price 90 kr
Discount -85 kr
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God.... my Husband - Di Fatta


Ett underhållande korttrick med skojigt tema.

Du visar 5st kort  både fram och baksidor föreställer en garderob.
En dam får välja ett av korten och plötsligt dyker det upp en stilig herre i garderoben!
Den klassiska älskaren som gömmer sig i garderoben.
Nu blandas korten och en herre får försöka hitta älskaren bland garderoberna men han misslyckas!
Damen däremot har nu fått en älskare i varje garderob!!

Väldigt fina laminerade kort i Bicycle Poker storlek.
Skojiga och välgjorda tekningar av Mauro Pezzola.

Allt förpackat i snygg ask med engelsk beskrivning.

The magician shows five cards: on both sides a wardrobe is drawn.
A woman chooses one of the cards where the drawing of a handsome boy appear (the classic “lover in the wardrobe”).
So, the husband chooses a card hoping to find her lover, but he won’t succeed.
It will be his wife to pull out from wardrobes many lovers!

The pencils of Mauro Pezzola, winner of many drawing competition, illustrate the magic.

• Cards are laminated and have the size of the Bicycle poker deck.
• Beautiful colored drawings, linked to a funny and logic routine, for a successful “packet trick”.
• It is very easy, only requires the knowledge of the basic technique of card magic (explained in the instructions).
• It is a routine that leaves space to the presentation. It is perfect to break the ice and joke with a woman, putting her in the centre of attention.


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